Susie Griffin, Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach Griffin Wellness Solutions, LLC
Sleep is as necessary to physical and mental health as food, water, and breath. We sometimes overlook it as a considering factor when trying to manage stress, weight loss, depression and anxiety, exercise outcomes, and work and life productivity. Whenever I do a health history intake on a client who is looking for a positive change in their life, I always inquire about sleep quality. Regardless of the quality of diet or consistency and intensity of exercise, if one isn’t receiving non-disruptive, 7-8 hours of sleep a night, any amount of success will be limited and short-lived.
Sleep is regulated by the hormone melatonin, secreted by the pineal gland at the base of the brain. Melatonin is produced when light levels are low, triggering drowsiness, and preparing the body and mind for sleep. Over a 24-hour period, the body’s circadian rhythm, or internal “clock,” measures our sleep/wake cycle. This “clock” essentially affects every cell in our body. When this rhythm is altered, either by an insufficient amount of sleep, lack of sleep quality, or disruptive sleep, short-term effects can occur such as an inability to focus, memory retention loss, extreme mood swings, and accidents on the job or while driving. Long-term bouts of sleep deficiency can lead to heart and kidney disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes, depression, and high blood pressure.
Most sleep specialists recommend averaging 7-8 hours of sleep per night for adults 18 years and older. Although there are some outliers that thrive outside of this parameter, research has shown that these hours produce the best and most consistent sleep quality and health outcomes. However, if you are having trouble getting a restful night’s sleep, try spending a little more time outside.
One research study from Preventive Medicine measured the impact of time spent outside on sleep quality. Researchers found that greater access to green landscapes has been associated with higher levels of physical activity which correlates to beneficial sleep patterns. In addition, increased access to greenspace also has been shown to improve mental health, including improving cognitive function and reducing anxiety disorders that otherwise may result in insufficient sleep.
Here in the White Mountains, we are gifted with an abundance of both greenspace and blue space options: the White Mountain TRACKS Trail System, the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, and Show Low and Fools Hollow lakes, to name just a few. However, if weather or transportation are limiting factors, consider a stroll through your neighborhood, on city sidewalks, country roads, or one of Show Low’s parks, such as the paved trail at The Meadow – Show Low Creek.
Whatever your preferred mode(s) of movement, I hope you find a little bit more quality time spent outside with an improved quality of sleep inside...just for the health of it.
Griffin Wellness Solutions, LLC provides individuals, groups and organizations personalized wellness solutions that successfully navigate through the change process and achieve positive results. Susie Griffin is a licensed massage therapist, nationally certified exercise physiologist, and wellness coach. She has been designing wellness solutions in the corporate and personal wellness space for over twenty five years. Phone: 541.705.5710