Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
It’s spring, and group ride season is officially here, so I thought I’d revisit some of the ins and outs and dos and don’ts of group rides by interpreting the ride notice I post each week piece by piece. When I started joining the Cyclemaniacs’ group rides several years ago, I thought that “no drops” meant that there would be no scary big cliffs to fall off of and that sounded good to me! Who wants scary big cliffs on a trail? I learned to ride single track by attending group rides and I soon learned that “no drops” has a completely different meaning than I thought!
Photos And Text
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
It seems so simple: bikes have pedals and the pedals turn the wheels. That is true for a tricycle, but what about a bike? Try this…challenge yourself to draw a bike and include how the pedals attach to the wheel to make it turn. Take your time, I’ll wait… So how’d you do? Multiple experimental studies have shown that for some reason, only a small fraction of people of any age or gender can complete the challenge without cheating and looking at a real bike. The theory is that since a bike is a common object, our brains do not store the details of its construction while they store the recognition of the whole object.
The easy way to draw a bike is to draw three
Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
You got a new bike and you are ready to hit the trails, but you need to remember that there’s more to riding than just the bike. What if you have a crash? What if you get a flat? What if the chain falls off? What if you encounter a bear? What if the sun sets while you are out exploring? What if…?
My first advice is don’t ride alone if possible. Having another set of eyes, another set of hands and another brain along are very handy. If you do ride alone, please, please track yourself with an app of some type that will contact a loved one if something does happen. My Garmin watch has an accident detector and notifies contacts in the case of an accident for everything but…you guessed it…mountain biking! READ MORE...
Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
Happy New Year! Here’s to a new you, new goals and new opportunities…for a few days. Most of us have long ago given up on “New Year’s Resolutions” because we shoot too high, miss the mark, and give up by February.
I’ve been in education for a quarter of a century and have been bombarded with the most confusing and ridiculous acronyms. I probably need an acronym to be able to remember the acronyms, but there is one we’ve been taught that might be helpful in making it more possible to ensure our resolutions for the New Year stick.
SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,
“Saturday Secrets ride. Meet 8 am, Buena Vista Trailhead. 12-15 miles, intermediate trail and speed. Class-one e-bikes welcome. No drops”
So… you are thinking about joining a cycling group and want to start coming to group rides but what does all this mean? When I started joining the Cyclemaniacs’ group rides a few years ago, I thought that “no drops” meant that there would be no scary big cliffs to fall off of and that sounded good to me. Who wants scary big cliffs on a trail? I soon learned that “no drops” has a completely different meaning. Group rides are a great way to spend a couple of hours with like-minded people doing an activity that everyone loves. Group rides are also an effective way to up your game regarding riding skill and stamina. If you are thinking of joining a group ride, there are a couple of things to keep in mind, all contained in the coded text of the ride announcement.
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
We ride as a group, younger riders, older riders, men, women, climbers, and descenders. Everyone is welcome, everyone is encouraged, and everyone is an encourager. We ride on bikes ranging from hybrid to gravel bikes. Hardtails to full suspension bikes and…e-bikes! Nobody is judging, nobody is feeling inadequate, nobody is really paying attention to who is riding what- we are all just glad to be out riding together, enjoying the weather, and focusing on the trail ahead of us. Why are some of us on e-bikes? E-bikes are for everyone, every age, every body type, and
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
We often take new people out with us on trail or gravel rides, and I usually notice that when we introduce somebody new to an experience we’ve had many times before, it becomes new to us too. You try to encourage them by saying “It’s easy, you can do it” and the phrase “It’s all downhill from here” takes on a new meaning when you notice that small rise you forgot about or that next “little climb” that really doesn’t seem so little now. We don’t mean to mislead people and our intentions are good when we encourage them with the “it’s easy, you can do it”, and “It’s all downhill…” phrases, but what does that do to that new person’s confidence when your well-intentioned encouragement is proven false over Read More
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
1910. The morning had dawned cool and bright but was already showing signs of the July mugginess that was coming. There was a hint of smoke in the air and last night’s storm had brought with it an incredible lightning show and rolling thunder, but little rain. The fireguard stationed at the newly constructed Los Burros Ranger Station knew that the fire danger was high, threatening the burgeoning timber industry in the surrounding Lakeside Forest district. He finished his coffee, poured a little grain for his mule, and began to prepare for the day he would spend at the nearby Lake Mountain Lookout. The mule was eager to begin the ride, he had done this particular climb before and was strong and capable, Read More
Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
But… “I’m not ready”, “I’m too old”, “I’m not in good enough shape”, “It'll be too scary”, “Everyone will notice me”, “I have too many family obligations, I’ll wait ‘til the kids get older”, “I’ll do it next season”... Yes, you will be, no you are not, you will get there, stay at your comfort level, nobody else will notice because they are too busy
Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
So you’ve heard that mountain biking is one of the “things to do” here in the White Mountains. You’ve heard it’s lots of fun and that it will make you feel younger and stronger. You’ve heard that it’s the best low-impact exercise for your joints and that is great for cardiovascular conditioning. You’ve also heard that you can spend
Photos & text by Carol Godwin
It’s early morning, the 4th of July, the rooster is crowing and the few clouds in the pale blue sky are streaked with pastel reds and oranges. A light breeze is causing the leaves to bob slightly and the word “freedom” whispers in the wind. I’m up early and excited because last night we decided to do an adventure today. We are going to Read More
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
The day is gorgeous with startling blue skies, brilliant white snow, and nothing but time. Temps are in the high 20s, projected to be in the mid-30s by noon and you want to get out and do something! There is lacy frost on the trees, and light winds and frozen ground are making the trails firm and fast. You get a few miles out and as the sun rises, the ground thaws, and the trails begin to turn to mud. A breeze picks up and clouds begin skidding over the sky, blocking the sun and the temperature rapidly plunges. You get disoriented and it begins to snow lightly. It happens. You are riding or hiking along, happily and with complete confidence, and then bam! Suddenly the weather changes and you are miles from home and in trouble. How can you prepare yourself to be safe while out enjoying our winter wonderland? Whether you bike, hike, ski, snowshoe, hunt, or just want to go drive around, there are considerations to take when planning outdoor activities in the White Mountains.
High Desert riding at its best: Snowflake Secret Trails
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
The White Mountains of Arizona is known for its tall pines, quaking aspens, and snowy mountain peaks. It is also home to Pinion-Juniper stands and beautiful high desert vistas. One of the best places to enjoy the high desert landscape is on a mountain bike, traveling unique and varying READ MORE...
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
It’s a gorgeous day! Icy blue skies, light winds, and frozen ground are making the trails firm and fast. You get a few miles out, and as the sun rises the ground thaws and the trails begin to turn to mud. A breeze picks up and clouds begin skidding over the sky, blocking the sun and the temperature rapidly plunges. You get disoriented and it begins to snow lightly. It happens. You are riding or hiking along happily and with complete confidence. When suddenly the weather READ MORE...
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
Literally hundreds of container ships, each carrying up to 24,000 containers, are sitting idle at ports around the world, an unprecedented logjam in the world’s supply chain. Stores are out of lunchmeat, aluminum, chicken feed and that amazing toy your child wants for Christmas. You want a new bike, and don’t really like the colors a shop happens to have in stock but you will be waiting months for the perfect color to come in. You want a stove
…and being thankful
for the simple things.
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
Every year, on the third Thursday of November, a diehard group of White Mountains’ friends and acquaintances gather together to celebrate life and the passage of time. The third Thursday of November is often cold, sometimes windy and usually there is a tempting warm fire crackling in the fireplace at home, but still we come. There is a turkey to prep and pies
Sometimes nature is wrong.
by Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
As our tilted planet inexorably orbits the sun, daylight rays of sunlight decrease in their angle hitting the Earth and days grow shorter. Trees are triggered to begin breaking down and pulling back valuable chlorophyll to save for use next season. As the dominantly green chlorophyll disappears, the underlying reds, oranges and yellows of other elements in the leaves are revealed,
By Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
Water, water everywhere…and plenty of drops to drink, grow green grass and fill tanks
Monsoon season has always been a time I look forward to, anticipate and feel cheated without. The past few years have been especially lacking in that area, so this year has been one to celebrate. The hot humid mornings, rapid building up of towering cumulus clouds and finally the cool
According to Google. skiing is 7 times more likely to kill you than cycling. If you cycle 3 times per week and only ski on that one weekend vacation per year, then obviously those odds shift a bit. Get it “shift” cause you shift the gears on your bike…… no? Crickets? I also read that in comparison to each other, on their own risky merits, that skiing is the most dangerous followed by downhill mountain biking — the safest of the three being regular mountain biking. So since I ski on a daily basis in the winter and I ride my bike in the summer I guess I’ll just have to snowboard 365 days a year, then I’ll never get hurt!
Let’s get outside and ride together- bikes are bikes.
Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania
E-bikes are for everyone, every age, every body type and every reason. They are often misunderstood and provoke reactions varying from admiration and acceptance, to hatred and resistance, so let’s put all that aside and dive into the whats, whys and hows of ebikes.
E-bikes are bikes that have an electric motor and which amplify the power put into the drivetrain by the rider. Arizona Governor Doug
In case you haven’t noticed Mountain Biking is going crazy. Bike stores and big box stores alike are having trouble keeping their stores stocked. They may be catching up now but for a while it was like toilet paper, couldn’t find them anywhere. I have experienced more riders on the trail than ever before. Last weekend in a short ride, I saw 8 other mountain bikers. Last summer I wouldn’t see that many hardly in a month. It’s good to see them out there but can’t 
Show Low’s
Buena Vista Trail Loops:
Not a Secret Anymore
Carol Godwin, in collaboration with Jason Moore, Save the Buena Vista Foundation
Several years ago, I was told about a “secret” trail system, marked by bones and guarded over by a full elk skeleton by the name of Walter. This local tale seemed a little far-fetched to be true, but warranted further exploration, and subsequently turned out to be just a small part of the actual story. As the years have passed, the “Secret Trails” have grown, mile by mile and new segment by
Carol Godwin, in collaboration with Jason Moore, Save the Buena Vista Foundation
Despite the popular love of them, the Buena Vista’s social trails, or “Secret Trails” do have problems and even threats to their continued existence. Just like any other “unofficial” or “wildcat” trail system, the trails came into being without the necessary legal clearances. Without any official recognition or legal standing, these trails have no protection. Regardless of how much they might be used, loved or cared for by their users, they could easily 
Article and photo courtesy of
Carol Godwin, Cycle Mania Az
One of the most satisfying things you can do for your dogs is to give them the gift of freedom out in the wild. Running with a bike as about as close as they will get to running with the pack and our dogs just love it. Cycling gives dogs the same physical and mental benefits that it gives you but there are a few things to keep in mind when starting your dog out with cycling.
The first thing to consider is the dog’s current fitness level. Is your dog used to traveling long distances? Is your dog used
Humans are pack animals and being outside, metaphorically running with the wolves, is something that is encoded into our DNA as something that makes us stronger, more motivated and binds us together as one. Whether you are enjoying a group hike or team ride, the comradery is essential and healthy for us both physically and emotionally.
If you’ve ever been driving down a highway and saw a truck ahead of you and sped up just to see what type of bike he had on his rack — you might be a mountain biker.
I was on the highway between Phoenix and Show Low recently and there were bunches of vehicles with bikes on them.
It feels like spring -- oops, it feels like winter -- now it's warm again but with snow expected... Here in the White Mountains, the weather changes weekly, daily and even hourly. "Cabin Fever" is the feeling of restlessness we get when we are forced to be inside and inactive for too long. We feel cranky, impatient, we
“Everyday is a good day, Brian; some are just better than others,” is what a friend of mine used to say — probably still says it; he’s not dead or anything. Any day on the bike is a good day and some are just greater than others.
So, why do we ride? I can’t speak for you, but I’m sure you have your reasons, and I
Slowly, surely winter gives way to spring and along with it, snow gives way to mud and then, gradually the forest welcomes us back onto its trails and into the backcountry. We are in a hurry to get back to riding, hiking and horseback riding, but for the sake of the trails, we need to use
Did you know that bikes were invented over 200 years ago? This first bike had no pedals and was basically a balance bike. You sat on the seat and made it go by pushing with your feet --it was called the Laufmaschine which means “running machine.” The Penny farthing is the strange high bike with the
Hard to say what the future holds — Some people are in a panic, some are chillin and some are just waiting to see what’s going to happen. Bet y’all didn’t know that I can see the future. Well, I can. You see the spring equinox will be on March 20th and spring is coming or, if you count the 1st day of March as the beginning of spring rather
Land Of Pioneers (LOP) Trail, AZ
I wonder why it is that every time I begin the climb up Ecks Mountain, I doubt my ability to make it to the top? I give myself reasons and excuses... I am too tired from what I did yesterday; it’s
One of the most satisfying things you can do for your dogs is to give them the gift of freedom out in the wild. Running with a bike as about as close as they will get to running with the pack and our dogs just love it. Cycling gives dogs the same physical and mental benefits that it gives you but there are a few things to keep in mind when starting your dog out with cycling.
In case you haven’t noticed – MOUNTAIN BIKING is going crazy. Bike stores and big box stores alike are having trouble keeping their stores stocked. They may be catching up now but, for a while, it was like toilet paper, couldn’t find them anywhere. I have experienced more riders on the trail than ever before. Last weekend -- in a short ride -- I saw eight other mountain bikers. Last summer, I would hardly see that many in a
They came for the adventure; they came to raise sheep or cattle and grow dryland wheat. They came to experience life in the White Mountains and they came to start anew. They hunted for deer, turkey and elk and dealt with predators including black and grizzly bears, coyotes, lions and wolves. There were many reasons that
I figured that I would continue the article of last month about the stuff that I have seen on the trail. Well, hang on to your hats -- here we go!
One time, on one of the forest service roads, I rode past a minivan that was pulled off to the side, back door and side sliding
One of the most satisfying things you can do for your dogs is to give them the gift of freedom out in the wild. Running with a bike as about as close as they will get to running with the pack and our dogs just love it. Cycling gives dogs the same physical and mental benefits that it gives you but there are a few things to keep in mind when
No, this article is not about getting kids into cycling, although that’ll be a later subject. This article will address getting moms (or dads) out there cycling with their kids before their kids get better at cycling than they are. Often, when there is a new addition to the family, it feels as if someone,
Time to get back to normal. I’ll bet you are thinking that this article is going to be about COVID-19. Well, you are wrong. It’s about getting back to normal on your mountain bike. The real question is -- what is normal? Is it riding at the same frequency as you did last year?
Spring is an explosive and wonderful time in the White Mountains. Streams are gushing crystal-clear water over rarely-used rock beds; grass is growing; wildflowers are blooming; the cool wind is blowing (and pollen is in the air). Animals are moving from wintering grounds and migrating birds
It’s a cool summer evening with small lightning flashes on the far horizon and a soft breeze blowing. You are cycling through the dusk with your headlight
Fall gives way to winter -- slowly but surely. Dry fall trails give way to muddy winter ones and a cyclist wonders what to do. Temperatures are often still nice and it’s tempting to go out and ride anyway but riding on wet trails (either cycling or horse-back) can cause significant damage and a lot of trail repair work next spring. Many
Who would’ve thought that it would take a global pandemic to make people realize that outdoor activities are a great way to use time, get in shape, feel better emotionally and connect with your family? One of the silver linings surrounding the COVID cloud is the awareness that
It happens. You are riding or hiking along -- happily and with complete confidence -- and then bam! Suddenly, you are face-first in the dirt wondering what happened. It happens to all of us and, most of the time, you look around to see who saw you fall, get up and keep on going. But what