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The southwest is unique, mysterious and grandiose...

By: Sherry E Engler

As Thanksgiving quickly approaches, reflections of blessings living in the Southwest flood my brain, and I am grateful. The Southwest is unique, mysterious, and grandiose; additionally, the Southwest is a land of versatility boasting various climates, landscapes, histories, and natural wonders. Perhaps, to be surpassed by none, the Southwest is a treasure to the soul.

For nature enthusiasts, there, perchance, is no comparison to viewing one of the greatest wonders of the world, The Grand Canyon, in northern Arizona. The majesty of its greatness is sometimes beyond the limit of flattering words and can only be described by the breathtaking, heart-pounding experience of seeing its vastness of intricate cliffs and elaborate canyons carved by Father Time and the Colorado River in creation of astounding beauty and mystery.  

And in its vastness unfolds the mystery of elevation. For at the top of The South Rim of the Grand Canyon, the landscape has a mountainous quality with juniper trees, pinons and pines, and rocky cliffs, inhabited by squirrels, deer, and rabbits. The hike down the Bright Angel Trail of approximately seven and a half miles to the Colorado River descends into the topography and climate of an arid desert, sporting cacti, desert flora, lower elevation heat, and desert-dwelling creatures. How AMAZING! 

Another amazing and splendid gift of nature lies a small distance south of Amarillo, Texas. Palo Duro Canyon has been carved for centuries by Father Time, the Red River, erosion, and Mother Nature. It has been named “The Grand Canyon of Texas.” Palo Duro Canyon is a staggering beauty of red cliffs, colorful mesas, and elaborate canyons. What a delight! What a spectacular painting of red, crimson, and orange hues accented by the Texas blue sky.

These two beauties are found exclusively in the Southwest: but what of the other grand landmarks? In Arizona, we are blessed with the sumptuousness of the Mogollon Rim, the Mazatzal Wilderness, and the White Mountains. To the south, the Sonoran Desert spreads graciously her desert magnificence accenting southern Arizona, reaching into southern New Mexico.  

Speaking of New Mexico, the vast Gila Wilderness graces this land of enchantment with misticism and beauty. But what of the southern tip of the Rockies in northern New Mexico, Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range? And what of the magical splendor of Carlsbad Caverns and White Sands. So many, many blessings to count!

Blessings! And more blessings in the Southwest. For example, Texas sports not only Palo Duro Canyon but cannot be surpassed with the treasures of Padre Island and its eastern, southern gulf shores on the Gulf of Mexico including oceanic gifts of cities like Port Aransas and Port Isabel. 

For the outdoor enthusiast, the lists of activities are endless in the great Southwest. Grab your hiking shoes and backpack and explore these remarkable landmarks and mountain ranges. But let’s say you are not in a hiking mood. Grab your fishing rod! The possibilities are endless. Fish Lake Roosevelt, Elephant Butte, Woods Canyon Lake, or any of the numerous (too, too many to even count!) lakes and streams in our vast terrain of endless opportunities. And catch the BIG ONE! After all, it is near Thanksgiving. Why not have a feast of bass or trout?

Okay, you say you are not in the mood for hiking or fishing. Why not explore the gifts of nature in the animal, critter world? In Texas, armadillos are a fascinating magnet for me. When I look at these scaly little upside-down basket-like creatures with long-pointed noses and pointed ears while their claw-like arms and legs protrude to the ground, I am totally mesmerized. (God has a sense of humor.) Or perhaps you might like to look at the hermit crabs on Padre Island. Not able to travel? I found a walking stick exploring the side of my house. Unique indeed! 

You say you like bigger creatures. Not a problem. Rocky Mountain elk, mule and whitetail deer, and antelope roam our great Southwest with grace and ease. How lucky are we?! Abundantly gifted with animals and creatures inhabiting our lands.

Oh, okay. You want an exhilarating adventure. Horseback riding may be the answer for you. Perhaps, there is no greater feeling than riding in a saddle, letting the slight breeze of anticipation carry you and your steed to heightened freedom of exploration. Many of the places listed above allow, and even encourage, horseback riding on many trails. Check ahead to confirm and perhaps pick a horse with similar goals of exploration in mind.

Oh! You are more of a side-by-side, four-wheeler adventurer. Great! Simply check to confirm the paths you want to ride are permissible for these modes of travel. Then climb on that four-wheeler, press on the gas, and prepare for the enormity of fun that awaits you. Let the wind blow wildly in your face as you run trails into magnificence.

Okay, you like history. Wonderful! History has no limitations in the Southwest. Visit the Roosevelt Mounds and Tonto National Monument for a glimpse into the Salado pre-historic cultures. Also, Montezuma Cliff Dwellings near Camp Verde are an amazing preservation of an era long ago of indigenous culture. In New Mexico, visit Chaco Canyon. History thrives in New Mexico with traces of our indigenous ancestors statewide. Perhaps you will also like visiting Camp Reno, Fort Bowie, Fort Stockton, etc., etc. And let’s not forget the history surrounding Santa Fe, once a capital city in Mexico.

You say I have overwhelmed you with suggestions and you are too tired to even consider which activity you want to do. No problem. Sit back, relax, and wait for our beautiful sunsets. We are surpassed by none when it comes to beautiful sunsets. How blessed in the Southwest! Also, we have gorgeous rainbows. Not sure about the pot of gold at the end; haven’t found the gold but have found the treasure to the heart.  

From our house to yours, may you have a very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Wishing you and yours safe travels, delicious meals, and warm memories from your adventures.

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