Joan Courtney, C.Ht.
Negative thoughts got you down? Does an unkind word ruin your day? Does your life need a boost? If your answers are “yes,” you’re in good company. Less than 14% of Americans say they’re deeply happy, and 38% claim feeling depressed. Did you also know you have a “happiness set-point”? No matter how much you binge-watch your favorite programs, go on shopping sprees, or spend countless hours on the phone, you will eventually return to that point.
And where did this set point originate? The way you were brought up sets the groundwork for this; the mottos you live by, for better or worse, begin in early childhood. That’s right. The ‘I can’t do it,” the “Nobody likes me,” or worse yet, “If they knew me, they wouldn’t like me” began way back when. But there’s good news! You can change this mindset.
Tips for inner happiness
The old adage goes that practice makes perfect. It took a while to get to where you are right now, but practice these tips and move toward your goal of lifelong happiness.
Change it up. Choose the best times. You know the ones… A birthday. Your grandchild. Your first car. Make them in vivid color. See everything going on. Hear those happy sounds. Any scents or fragrances? You can smell them. Tastes? You can savor them. How are you feeling now?
friend or connecting with a family member struggling with a problem.
Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather here on the Mountain. End those old negative thought patterns and move into a bright tomorrow. You’re burning daylight if you don’t. Have fun and be happy. Live unstuck.
Joan Courtney is a clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Writing for publications on the Mountain, she also writes bi-weekly posts as MacDuff, the Canine Executive Officer of Unstuck Living.