The push is on! Time to figure out new goals for the upcoming twelve months. But I’m inundated by all the ways to do this. You too? So many angles. Different strategies. Do I push hard and ignore the rest of my life? Or do I work for balance? Do I stack the deck to achieve multiple levels? Or do I tinker with what I’m doing now? If I add on yet another project, what do I let go? Right now, the whole idea feels overwhelming. That little donkey of resistance sets his feet in my mind and won’t budge. And it’s easy to get stuck in that place. Sorting a sock drawer or puttering around the garage seem such attractive distractions. And the more I push, the stronger the kickback.
So, I’m backing up and suggesting we take another approach. While goals are important, let’s dissolve resistance and take a moment to appreciate all the ways we have changed. In the past five years, what has changed for you and me? How have we grown? What abilities have we developed? After all, we are continually evolving and changing. We’re becoming different people from year to year. Month to month. It’s easy to roll through life without taking an overview of what we’ve achieved.
And five years is a good frame of reference to notice differences. After all, half a decade is enough time to graduate college; to begin (or shift) a career; to discover new interests and hobbies; to kindle or walk away from relationships or to drop X number of pounds and so much more. So, let’s take a deep breath, slow down for a moment and look back at what’s really true.
What has changed?
I’ve realized: downsizing is an art. One not easily mastered but I’m beginning to appreciate the beauty of the result. That one is an ongoing challenge.
How have you grown?
For me, I began to write. Consistent time at the keyboard and patient proofreaders have helped me hone my skills. It’s fun!
Developed abilities that you love?
I am more patient and understanding. (This applies to driving too!) I don’t take things so personally and let situations go more easily. I laugh much more and notice life is not so serious.
When you figure out what has changed, the view loosens up and opens new horizons. Time for a new cycle of development, wonder and curiosity. Where will you be in the next five years?
What has changed?
What will you realize in your life that’s different? What do you visualize your world to be like? I have found my dreams shape my future. And it does take action behind the words.
What specifically will you do to make that dream a reality?
How have you grown?
What one thing would you like to change in your life? That’s right. Just one. Focus on that. Play with it. Learn from it. And grow in the process.
Developed abilities that you love?
Have an interest you’d like to cultivate? Learn how to fly fish? Get in shape for a half marathon? Do a Marie Kondo and simplify your life?
I challenge you to take a look back at the resources you have developed and apply them so you can move forward. I’d love to hear about your successes, and your not-so-successes. When I began to write, I was encouraged by local publishers. The first attempts? Needed help. But I think it’s a little like learning to ride a bicycle. At first, not so successful but soon got the hang of it and was whizzing around in no time. You can too. Have fun. Live unstuck.