By Joan Courtney, Unstuck Living
In the middle of January, spring cleaning was a distant chore. Now, birds are chirping and the windows are open. With longer days, the cobwebs are oh-so-so visible. Time to spiff up where you live. When you clean your place, you take stock of what you have, organize what is left, and clear space to bring in new things. It’s the same with your mindset. When you follow these four easy steps, you’ll be well on the way to a happier life. Time to get moving and “Marie Kondo” your mind!
1. Take stock of everything. Take a look at your life. Stop to consider what’s not working in your life.
• What’s draining your energy?
• What’s holding you back?
• Where in your life are you wasting your time?
Jot down a list of what’s bothering you the most, and consider each issue. Pick the ones that are the most troublesome. Then ask yourself what it would take to change each one.
On the other hand, take a look at what’s working for you.
• What are you accomplishing?
• What makes you happy?
• What do you want more of in your life?
Make a list of what really matters to you and do more of it. (I keep this list on my refrigerator.)
2. Clean out the old. Have useless junk in your life? It can come in many forms: a negative attitude or bad habit, a draining relationship, or a way of doing things that doesn’t work anymore. You can get so used to living a certain way you forgot what it was like to sparkle and shine as yourself.
• Need to apologize? Bite the bullet and do it.
• Waiting for an apology? Time to let it go.
• Grudges contaminating your world?
Time to clean them out.
Toss out those habits no longer useful to you and clear the way for fresh adventures.
3. Tie up loose ends and get organized. Sometimes inertia creeps in, and life can get messy. Half-done tasks and endless to-do lists clutter even the best of minds. Delay and procrastination can set you up for frustration. Take five minutes daily to prioritize what you want from the day. You will automatically align with your priority list. Done deal!
4. Do something new, something different.
Change takes action. Want more than just the life you end up with? Experiment with new habits, work your “mind muscles” in a different way, and you’ll create the life you truly want. Here are some ideas:
• Enjoy the person you are. If you don’t like yourself, figure out why and shift gears.
• Use inspirational quotes to remind you of the new you. It’s like training a puppy. Consistency works.
• Act more friendly toward those you meet.
You will gain more friends and draw in positive people. What could be better than that?
Time to spring clean your mindset and get unstuck!
Need a boost to “get the clean on?” Unstuck Living can help you build new patterns in as few as 1-3 sessions 90% of the time. For more information or to make an appointment, call Joan Courtney at (928) 367-8208 or e-mail online at Bringing over 35 years of experience to her practice, Joan is a highly qualified NLP practitioner and a certified clinical hypnotherapist. In a confidential way, she uses that knowledge to help her clients become no-limit-people. Many have found her friendly ways and precise techniques to be the easiest road toward a better life.