By Susie Griffin, Griffin Wellness Solutions
“I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.”
~ Henry David Thoreau, American Naturalist and Essayist
I created the Ladies Two-Wheel Adventures (LTWA) group officially on Facebook in April of this year, ( Although the group made its official appearance on Facebook in April 2024, it initially started earlier in the New Year from organic conversations, personal invites and curious inquiries. The group’s intention is to promote the activity of mountain biking and all the F.E.E.L.s (Fun. Empower. Elevate. Love.) to ladies who currently ride or are curious to start riding. Since its inception only six months previous, membership has grown steadily through word-of-mouth referrals and social media conversations.
The LTWA members are a diverse representation of age, fitness and skill levels. Some live locally, others live in the Valley and still others, beyond the boundaries of Arizona. Despite the geographical, age, fitness and/or riding skill differences, we all share the common desire to be outside, on our bikes, moving through nature, amongst like spirited souls. This social companionship brings more than just learning how to navigate through the twists and turns, and ups and downs of the trail, but of life as
“Our individual relationships are an untapped resource — a source of healing hiding in plain sight. They can help us live healthier, more productive, and more fulfilled lives.” — Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, 19th and
21st Surgeon General of the United States
We glean information from each other on how to move through life more efficiently, whether mountain biking related, (Those are cute shorts! Where’d you get them?), or not, (Where do I find a good human resource that provides x, y, z service?). We carry these helpful takeaways on our bike, in our cars, into our homes and in our brains. In the most meaningful times, we don’t serve as sources of information, but rather, vessels for venting. We, and the natural, open space we’re in, provide a supportive environment to listen as negative emotions or relational experiences are shared. In these incidents, we do not make room to carry them on our bikes, in our cars and into our homes. They are left out on the trail, secretly dissipated in the air or scattered amongst the dust and rocks. Just as our sweat serves as a corporeal vesicle carrying toxins out of and away from our body, the feelings we reveal are our sweat’s intangible counterpart; both cleanse the body, mind and spirit.
The physical, mental and emotional health benefits gained from our little but growing, Ladies Two-Wheel Adventure group, is not exclusive to our group, mountain biking or even exercise in general. Many research studies have proven the importance of social connection in the health and well-being of individuals and societies. The Office of the U.S. Surgeon General further classifies social connection into three vital components of social connection: structure, function, and quality.
Structure is the number of relationships and variety of relationships (e.g., co-worker, friend, family, neighbor), and the frequency of interactions with others. Function is the degree to which others can be relied upon for various needs. Quality is the degree to which relationships and interactions with others are positive, helpful, or satisfying (vs. negative, unhelpful, or unsatisfying).
A person and community that lacks these three social connection components has the propensity to be socially isolated and suffer from its negative effects. Excess Medicare spending, increased hospital and nursing facility stays, and increased stress-related employee absenteeism reflect those negative effects. Additionally, a decrease in community social connection can result in decreased community resilience from natural disasters, and health and safety threats.
Conversely, consciously choosing to spend time alone can also result in improved individual mental, emotional and physical well-being. Specific health benefits include a reduction of stress, enhanced creativity and sleep quality, increase in production and efficacy, and better focus, time-management and self-awareness. (To be clear, there is a distinct difference between being alone, a physical state, and feeling lonely, an emotional state. This is a focus on creating time to be by one’s self – to attain the health benefits)
Be alone, that is the secret of invention; Be alone—that is when ideas are born.
— Nikola Tesla
I recently went on a mountain bike ride by myself. I was on one of my favorite trail systems, neither leading, following, mentoring, coaching, or instructing others. Except for coming across an occasional hiker or fellow mountain biker, I was alone. Just me and my bike flowing through the forested landscape, taking in the sounds and sights of nature. It was blissful. The weather was perfect, neither hot nor cold, my body felt good, no aches or complaints and my bike was responding beautifully. My experience was exactly as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a professor emeritus and psychologist, describes a flow state, “the state of being in which people become so immersed in the joy of their work or activity that nothing else seems to matter.”
I can’t remember the last time I biked alone. I am usually busy and benefiting from the company of others. However, this time I had no external, internal pressure or incentive to alter my speed or direction. I had no agenda or timeline. I stopped and sessioned several features, made a phone call to my husband, and talked with several trail users a grazing cow and several undernourished, bony creatures. I was completely accountable to no one except for myself. It was surprisingly freeing and rejuvenating. These feelings stayed with me after the ride and positively influenced my mood throughout the rest of my day.
While social interaction and connection is essentially vital to one’s health and well-being, carving out time to be alone can be just as healthy. Need ideas to be alone and fulfill your mental, emotional and physical well-being? Here are a few:
• Take a drive: There is something to be gained from driving by yourself, listening to podcasts, the radio or your favorite playlists. Don’t forget to sing along at the top of your lungs!
• Turn off the electronics and tune into nature: Explore local trail systems, parks, and recreational areas or plan a trip to other natural areas outside your geographical boundaries.
• Practice stillness: Some people call this meditation. I’m not that formal. I just call it an adult timeout or just sitting or practicing stillness. Being aware of and developing skill in controlling your breath in times of stillness, helps to control it in times of stress.
• Be alone with others: You might try being “alone with others” by reading at a library, writing at a coffee shop, or sketching in a public garden. I’ve done this so often that the local Starbucks employees know my name…and my order. They also inquire how and what I’ve been up to if they haven’t seen me in a while.
• Take yourself on a date: Try setting up an amazing date for yourself, including the food, movie, and activities you want to do. We sometimes wait for special occasions to celebrate (mostly others) ourselves. Staycation anyone?
Tally Ho – venturing alone or with your social connections, either way there’s adventure and health benefits to be uncovered.