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Supporting our community...

By Katherine Larson 

and Jen Rinaldi

Photos submitted

With a few brave yellow leaves still clinging to the branches, this year we seemed to segway from an abnormally hot summer into instant winter. 

Winter looming and the holidays fast approaching we turn inwards. Not only in heart but physically as well. Which brings me to Christmas shopping…

After all that has come to pass in this past year, I know that my family and I will strive to shop locally to keep our small businesses running. With such a vibrant community, we are blessed to have many great events that showcase local talent and allow us to gift those talents to family. 

Last weekend at St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Church in Pinetop, Arizona, a premiere group of local artisans assembled in a lovely, heated space for the 4th annual ‘Made on the Mountain’ craft fair hosted by the Madonna Guild.

If you are not familiar with the Madonna Guild, “we are the parish and community-focused women’s organization at St. Mary’s Church” says Katherine Larson their President.

“The ladies of the Madonna Guild are an extraordinary group of kind and compassionate women who work as a team to give back to our Church and to our White Mountain community. Because there is always a need to do more, we welcome women within our community who want to help serve others through our many ministries.”

What strikes me the most about this group with whom I spent the weekend is how much fun and joy they take in their duties. The laughter and joy were evident in all who helped. I am an honorary member of this extraordinary group and am proud to call them sisters. 

Among the women who give time to the Madonna Guild, there are also the “Dons” of the “Madonnas.” “They would be our long-suffering husbands who cheerfully lend a hand, whenever and wherever needed, to support our ministries.”

With the funds the Guild raises from their bi-annual craft fair and bake sale, the Guild looks to feed many families at Thanksgiving with a turkey and all the fixings for a delicious meal. At Christmastime, the Guild distributes handmade and decorated Christmas stockings brimming with personal care products and candy to those in need. Near Halloween, you will find the ladies volunteering at St. Mary’s Halloween party for the children of the religious education program.  

The Guild also distributes crocheted prayer shawls to those who are ill or are grieving or are undergoing treatment at Summit’s Cancer Center. Handmade rosaries are distributed locally and throughout the world thanks to a wonderful flight attendant who delivers them to churches and missions as she flies around the globe. Rosaries are also sent to a prison chaplain to distribute at the prison in Florence, AZ.  

Made on the Mountain ran for two days (Friday November 8th and Saturday the 10th). More than fifty vendors displayed their wares, ranging from candles and creams to cards, wood tables, felted items, wreaths, jewelry and more. At times the aisles were so crowded with hungry shoppers that shoppers had to shuffle single file down the rows.

Some of the proceeds from “Made on the Mountain” will help a sister parish on the White River Reservation with heating costs for the winter, Katherine, the president of the Madonna Guild, says, “We look for opportunities to help, where possible, those in need. The lack of funds to keep the heat on is an issue brought to my attention during the craft fair and I will be in touch with the folks at St Francis of Assisi.” 

Members of the Guild did more than just run the event. Their own talents were on display this weekend! Their Bake Sale was a hit, offering pies, cakes and cookies of all kinds. Tess Durfee’s booth, featuring her paintings of the Madonna on necklaces, bookmarks and cards, was a favorite among holiday shoppers. Terri Linn made BBQ Sauce and festive holiday centerpieces. Fran Serio displayed beautiful natural stone and copper art pieces while Shawn Dragoo’s booth featured lovely etched glassware. Amazing!

Vendors were complimentary of the event, saying that the Madonna Guild had the details well in hand. Many signed up for next year, not wanting to take the chance of missing out. Being a vendor myself I recognize and appreciate when the volunteers go above and beyond to placate and accommodate all their guests both sellers and buyers. I will be there! 

When I asked Katherine, their president, why this group is so successful she said, “We go about our work, without any fanfare, in service to God and to those in need. We are so thankful for the success of our Made on the Mountain craft fair and bake sale because the money we earn allows us to expand our ministries to do more. 

“Actively participating only requires as much time as you want to give. Can you spare a little or even a lot of time? Either choice is great! Participating from home is wonderful. Are you a summer visitor who would like to contribute from your winter home? Your participation would be so welcome. We will get you started in whatever interests you!”

If you would like to join us please call Katherine at


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