If you’ve ever been driving down a highway and saw a truck ahead of you and sped up just to see what type of bike he had on his rack — you might be a mountain biker.
I was on the highway between Phoenix and Show Low recently and there were bunches of vehicles with bikes on them. Trucks with bikes, cars with bikes, campers with bikes — and bikes with bikes — okay, not really. Motorcycles with a bike rack? Let's be serious. They actually have them. Are you seeing a theme here? Where are they all going? Where did they come from? They are on a quest for trails.
So where are they going? Anywhere they can get their fix. No better place to get that fix than right here in Arizona’s White Mountains. Our vast open spaces, trail system and numerous campgrounds are perfect for that summer getaway. Specifically, any of the White Mountain Trail System trails would suffice. We have over 200 miles of trails and I personally have ridden all of them — in one day. Not really, I haven’t ridden them all and certainly not in one day. But, I have ridden the trails a lot and they are awesome.
Another place you should check out is Sunrise Park Resort on the White Mountain Apache Reservation. This is a shameless plug, because I work there. I will tell you that they/we are focusing on mountain biking at the resort. While they have had pretty intense downhill trails for some time, we are taking a turn toward a more family friendly vibe. We have already cut two new lower mountain green (easier) trails along with existing green cross-country style trails with hopes of drawing in the entire family. If you are a diehard down-hiller, don’t worry — we still have the gnarly and super fun upper mountain trails, we just want to appeal to mountain bikers of all levels. In addition to the lift serviced downhill trails, we have plans to plot out cross-country courses that will allow you to earn your downhill — in case that’s your thing. “If you build it, they will come.” Is part of our mentality up at Sunrise — so come check us out. Be patient, it’s a work in progress. We plan on opening Memorial Day Weekend 2021. See you up there.
I’d like to close this out with something a little heavy. There are people in this world (millions and millions) that for some reason or other are unable to partake in things that we do every day and that many of us take for granted. There are a multitude of reasons that this takes place. Keep this in mind when you are doing activities at work or play, that when things gets tough, there are people that simply wish they could be doing the same activity you are doing but can’t because of physical, economic or other reasons. Be thankful and gracious that you have the means to do the things you are able to do. I am thankful everyday for what I get to do. Yes, I complain from time to time, but I am truly blessed and I know it. I know, me complain? Never.
P.S., I am looking for sponsors. Specialized S-Works Enduro would suffice. Size 4, you can pick the color.