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A time when the pace of life slows, and we are grounded. 

By Joan Courtney, C.Ht.

Unstuck Living

To me, the time between the holidays in December and early spring is a time to hibernate and rejuvenate. There are gifts in this phase of darkness, a time to slow down and reflect on what was in the year past and what I want in the new year to come. It’s a time of comfort, of settling in, of truly getting to know myself.

Lil’ Toot and I are still out walking early in the morning, long before the sun comes up. During this time, the weather amazingly feels cozy and warm to me as I bundle up and venture outside. Hint: mufflers are a big help here, for they warm the breath and cover the back of the neck. My little cone of light radiates the way ahead as Toot’s harness jingles and my boots crunch along.

The phase of the moon also plays a big part in my journey and appreciation. The full moon appears to be almost day-like, with its dazzling light. When the half moon, then quarter moons, approach, they seem softer and gentler. The new moon brings pure darkness, with its promise of a brighter tomorrow.

And so it is with my life. There are times when it’s a full moon agenda. I am out in the world, bursting with energy. The air is warm on my skin, with a slight breeze touching my face. I’m busily engaged with people and projects, focused on goals I want to achieve. My mind is turned outward, ready to receive what is coming my way.

Then there’s the phase of the new moon, almost like the spaces between spokes on a wheel. A time of quiet, of sinking within to pay attention to what is important…or not. The time when my pace of life slows, and I am grounded. It’s the time I turn inward and hibernate, resting my mind and body. As I move along in the darkness, the air itself seems quiet and sounds are muffled and soft. Wrapped up in the magical world of my thoughts and feelings, I feel like a small boat out in the darkness, cruising uncharted territory. This peaceful time is so different from the bright days of summer, when we would stop and chat with neighbors and friends in the early morning light.

While there are momentary clamors for movement and exercise, it also is a time to slow down and cocoon a bit. Time to enjoy the inner parts of the world, both inside myself and with others. It is a time for deep sharing and inner knowing among friends, for contemplation and musing about bigger things as I move along. Camping, skiing, and hiking are delightful during the day, but laughter and friendship in the nighttime hours are precious.

Prime the Pump To Hibernate

Don’t know how to renew, review, and recharge? Here are a few tips:

Pencil yourself in. Slow down. Life can sop up those precious, peaceful moments. Give yourself time to review and renew.

Create a cozy corner. Figure out where you can hibernate, away from distractions. Set up some fluffy pillows. Warm blankets. A side table for a cup. Just be.

Start, stop, continue. Idly consider how to streamline your year. What’s in alignment with your life? What will you focus on? And what do you want to let go of? Live unstuck.

Joan Courtney is a clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Writing for Outdoors Southwest and other publications, she also ghostwrites bi-weekly posts for Lil’ Toot, the Canine Executive Officer of Unstuck Living.

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